Rates and Times

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Anne’s rates and times

Although my all-inclusive rate is the better option, I also offer a basic rate with optional extras, so that clients can prioritise my formatting services to suit their pockets and the time they have. (If you don’t pay me to do it, you have to do it yourself – and you will do it more slowly and less well!)

All-inclusive rate for formatting and editing
Basic rate for formatting and editing
Rate per page versus rate per word
Table of rates
Time taken

Documents of less than 10 pages incur an extra charge of R50 to cover the time taken to create an invoice and emails.

Please note that I will happily format without editing but I cannot edit without first formatting.

The all-inclusive rate is 27 cents per word for both formatting and editing

The all-inclusive rate is usually the better option. I charge individuals R108 per page of 400 words, broken down into R40 for formatting and R68 for editing. This means that 100 pages would cost R10 800. That includes references, figures and tables.

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The basic rate is 21 cents per word for both formatting and editing

I charge individuals R84 per page of 400 words, broken down into R16 for formatting and R68 for editing. This means that 100 pages would cost R8 400. That excludes formatting references, figures and tables, which are the optional extras described in more detail below.

For references, the rate is R15 each

I charge individuals R15 per reference to check that it is complete and its formatting complies with your required style. Even items that have been produced by a referencing program like Zotero or Mendeley need checking because of the GIGO principle (garbage in, garbage out!). The program can only work with the metadata that are available in the item and the metadata are often incorrect, e.g., the item is classified as a conference paper when it is really a journal article.

For a thesis or dissertation, if the reference is incomplete, I will make a Comment telling you what is missing so that you can look up the missing information. It is unethical for me to look up the details for you when you are being examined on your referencing skill.

I also check your use of citations in the text. Every citation in the text must appear in the list of references and every item in the list of references must be cited in the text.

For formatting figures and tables, the rate is R10 each

I charge individuals R10 per figure, table, photograph, etc. to format it so that it stays where it is put in the text, and to create a caption with an automatic label and number that can be used in cross-references and to generate a List of Tables, List of Figures, etc. If a table runs on to more than one page, it is counted as an extra table for every extra page.

To insert cross-references from the text to the figures and tables (actually to their captions) is another R2 per caption.

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Per page versus per word

Many editors quote per page and you need to be able to compare my quote with theirs; that is why I talk about pages above. However, I believe a rate based on a word count is fairer than a rate per page: A word rate excludes the space around figures and tables and counteracts differences in font and margin sizes.

Most universities specify that a thesis or dissertation should have 2,5-cm or 1-inch margins,  1½ line spacing and 11 pt Arial or 12 pt Times New Roman font so I have used that as the basis for my calculation that one page is 400 words.

To count the words in your document: Select the parts of the document that will be edited – usually Chapters 1 to 5 of a thesis/dissertation. Exclude the front matter, the table of contents, and the appendices. The number of words selected will be shown as a fraction of the total number of words in your Status Bar, e.g., “Words: 30 012/40 010” (the display varies for different versions of Microsoft Office).

If a word count is not displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of your screen: Right-click in a blank part of the Status Bar and, when the Customise Status Bar menu pops up, tick Word Count. The number of words in the whole document will then be displayed in the Status Bar, e.g., Words: 40 010. Click outside the Customise Status Bar menu.

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Table of Rates

Table of ZAR rates for individuals

Note: I charge companies three times the individual rate because the quality of my work is worth more than most individuals can afford.  This rate is in line with the average rate charged by editors according to the latest South African rates survey. 

Click here for a PDF of all my ZAR rates. GBP and USD rates depend on the current rate of exchange but you can click here to get an idea of my GBP rates and here for an idea of my USD rates.

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TIMES: How long does it take?
Transpose letters or words

Note that all these times can only be approximations.

It averages an hour per page to edit and format a document with references.

It generally takes me 10 hours to format 100 pages, 20 hours to check 100 references, and 70 hours to do the editing. This is a total of 100 hours for a 100-page document with 100 references.

If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, you should let me format and edit your questionnaire and each chapter as soon as you and your supervisor finalise it. That would allow me to finish soon after you finalise your conclusions and recommendations and would make meeting the submission deadline much easier.

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I would charge R1 000 for a one-day consultation, if it is possible to meet face-to-face and work on the documents in your office, plus R500 for the “call-out fee”. (Since Covid-19, we have all learned how easy it is to have a Zoom meeting and that would save the call-out fee but make it harder to work on your documents together.) Once we know what we are working with, we can discuss where to go from that.

If you email me all your existing documents and phone me to tell me how you want to use them, the base cost would still be R1 000 to allow for the harder work involved in familiarising myself with the documents without seeing them in use.

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